Fast Privacy Screens

Fast Growing Screening

Bigfoot Willow Hybrid Screen Driveway Privacy Screen Fast Growing Privacy Hedges Fences
Bigfoot Willow Hybrid Screen Driveway Privacy Screen Fast Growing Privacy Hedges Fences
Bigfoot Willow Hybrid Screen

There are many different trees that can be used for privacy screening. Fast growing trees are commonly planted to fill that void in the quickest amount of time possible. Some fast growing tree options include hybrid poplars and willow hybrids. There are many different hybrid poplar and willow clones, with many different purposes. The best fast growing hybrid would be the Bigfoot Willow Hybrid.

The Bigfoot Willow Hybrid can put on the quickest height growth of nearly any tree in America, while filling in with its dense branches when planted at a close spacing of 3 feet apart. This rapidly growing hybrid leaves out early in spring and drops the leaves later in fall compared to other fast growing screening choices.

The Bigfoot Willow has small leaves, which do not cause a leaf litter problem in fall. The branches are stronger than other poplar and willows, thus this hybrid willow has also been used in conjunction with windbreaks. These fast growing hybrids have a nice, upright form, and appear better looking for the landscape versus native seedling willow trees.

I also sell other fast growing trees that can work for fast growing living fences. Most of my other selections will grow slower than the Bigfoot Willow, but they do grow fast. These other fast growing hedge selections have different ornamental features that make them in high demand. Check all my fast growing privacy screen trees and see which selection works the best for your situation:

Bigfoot Willow 6' Staff
Bigfoot Willow 8' Stake
Bigfoot Willow 12' Post
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Queen's Gold Weeping Willow 8' Staff
Quicksilver Willow 6' Staff
Rocket Poplar 6' Staff
Rocket Poplar 8' Staff
Snake Willow 6' Staff
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Sunshine Willow 6' Staff
Swift Tower Willow 5' Staff